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Monday, January 16, 2006

Who is your favorite actor or actress?

Movie buffs, now's your chance to speak out! Who do you love, why? What is your all time favorite movie they are in?


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Chickadeeva said...

I really like Jason Statham. (I think that's how you spell it.) He was in "The Transporter". I like him because he's cool, collected, strong and funny.

Then, there is always my 'older man crush' who would be Robert DeNiro.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Bickler3 said...

Humm well I think I really like Colin Furth....and Ed Harris...he is so versitle! I saw him in the movie Milk money..then a week later in Just Cause and I would not have even known it was the same actor!!

My crush's ...well ...Mel Gibson of course...Tom Selik and Sean Connery...

At 11:10 PM, Blogger elisa said...

I’m not good at picking favorites.

At 6:11 AM, Blogger Jimmy Lee said...

Well lets see Since the ladies didn't mention any ladies (only men) I will only mention ladies. My favorites I think are Crystal Bernard (dont see her much anymore), Helen Hunt, Selma Hyeak, I thnk Selam looks like my bride when we wed -- How did I get so lucky??? She was so way out of my leauge!!!

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Kristina said...

Let's see, one of my favorite actors is Russell Crowe. I especially loved him in Gladiator and Cinderella Man. He's the type of actor that enables you to forget that he's only acting. He's so convincing that you really feel that he becomes his charactor. You know he's a great actor when he doesn't have to speak a word, but you can tell by his expressions what feelings he is trying to portray. As an actor I can appreciate his work. His personal life, well, I can't say he's my favorite there.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Will always be Cary Grant or his modern day counterpart (though a pale copy), George Clooney.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Rhonda said...

My favourite actors are Will Smith, Vivi Devereaux (the accent, looks and performances get me swooning everytime)Penelope Cruz, Vin Diesel (his voice and bod make me melt and his bad boy attitude his characters have are REAL men)and Daniel Craig.

All the men I have mentioned are delicious. And Penelope is an inspiration to me!


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