Answer Me This

Your opinions wanted! Please comment on my questions, you may make your comment annonymous. Your advice or ideas could very well help shape my most important decisions in pressure, really.

Monday, December 05, 2005

What plagues you the most?

What plagues you the most? Procrastination, Perfectionism, or Pessimism?
How do you counteract it in your life?


At 8:47 PM, Blogger Tea Lady said...

My constant battle with balance. I feel as though I will never ever conquer this.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Bickler3 said...

Right now...all three are a major battle!!! I know some of it is all the stress of the past year........"yea though I walk through the shadow of death" has a whole new meaning to me......its in these time our true self is seen....and its not looking pretty for me!! Ask me a again in...ohh....a few years and I hope to have a better answer for you !

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

procrastinastion, coupled with pessimism. I have a struggle with being a fatalist. I figure ican't do it right so why try? And if I do try it and it does get done something else will go wrong. It seems to me I feel it is my lot in life to be a failure. This is comfortable for me. The way I combat this debilitating negativity is to remind myself that Christ died for me and that ALL my sins are forgiven. More importantly He LOVES ME JUST AS I AM. Unconditional LOVE. What does this mean to you? He knows us better than we know ourselves. His love is in spite of our many foibles, weaknesses, and sins. Christ himself is our sanctification. He is my Righteousness, my Hope, my Salvation. Praise God He is my ALL.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am studying to be a life coach for the very reason that we all have those things that STICK us. I know that we can overcome. I also know that with a little practical advice and self-understanding we can become unstuck.

I hate it when I have things I KNOW I should do, but that get passed over for many other less important things, until that first thing becomes CRITICAL - and then I griveve I don't have enough time.

At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"procrastinastion, coupled with pessimism...I figure I can't do it right so why try?"
"The way I combat this...remind myself that Christ died for me and that ALL my sins are forgiven. More importantly He LOVES ME JUST AS I AM. Unconditional LOVE."
What She said. (or he)

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Chickadeeva said...

I am plagued by not having enough money to give to people the way I'd like. I find people who have worthy projects left and right, and I feel prayer to be, although wonderful; not quite enough to satisfy my desire to assist in a practical way.


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